Fake products cause real harm.
Learn how to GO FOR REAL.

You’re Smart. Buy Smart.

Don’t fall for fake products. Buy the brand and keep it real.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) are raising awareness about the importance of intellectual property and decreasing demand for counterfeits. The Go For Real™ campaign focuses on shifting buying habits of teens and tweens away from dangerous dupe products to genuine goods.

Five facts about fakes:

  1. Fakes, such as faulty electronics, cause over 70 deaths and 350,000 serious injuries every year.
  2. International organized criminals use counterfeits to fund illegal activities like gang violence, child labor, and human trafficking.
  3. Buying real means supporting brands that invest in research and development to make quality goods that last long and are safe to use.
  4. The sale of counterfeit products is a $2 trillion criminal enterprise that affects every industry and causes fires, skin rashes, and even death, especially with the sale of fake pills.
  5. Fake products are produced in dirty environments and do not follow safety regulations.


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