The following statement regarding President Joe Biden’s call to use remaining COVID-19 funds for crime prevention programs, may be attributed to Paul DelPonte, NCPC Executive Director:

“The National Crime Prevention Council supports the use of extra funds in cities and states to increase crime prevention efforts. True crime prevention is a public health response to increasing violent crime, fentanyl poisoning, and other issues facing our communities. It will put resources where they are needed.

The unconscionable shootings in Buffalo, NY, and across the nation this weekend, are a stark reminder that we must act swiftly to create crime prevention programs that include training, education, and mental health awareness.

McGruff The Crime Dog® warns that all crime needs is a chance. Funding crime prevention measures stops criminals from having that chance. Crime prevention is what the public needs to think of when they think about the police. It is time to make that happen.

By training police officers, investing in outreach programs, and community violence interventions, we can design out crime and start to celebrate safe communities. When the police work with communities and communities engage with the police, lives are saved.”