Mar 11, 2024

Scrolling to Death Podcast

2024-07-23T11:10:19-04:00March 11th, 2024|In the News|

  In this episode, I gain some clarity into how we got here...to a place where young children are accessing technology that can harm them. Paul DelPonte of the National Crime Prevention Center breaks down the legislation (or lack thereof) that exists to protect kids online, potential new laws and current lawsuits against [...]

Mar 8, 2024

Pop Culture Retrospective Podcast

2024-07-23T11:41:31-04:00March 8th, 2024|In the News|

On this episode I am joined by the one, the only, McGruff the Crime Dog®! That's right, children of the '80s and '90s, rejoice! McGruff is joined by Paul DelPonte who is the Executive Direction of the National Crime Prevention Council otherwise known as the NCPC. We take a look back over some [...]

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